Trycksvärta enligt Comeau

I love that feeling in the pit of my stomach,
with the dyke punk rock shaking my head
and Richards hand on the front of my pants,
squeezing me while the girl watches.
These are my people, queer and out of control.

The feeling lasts for a minute while Richard and I feel each other up,
until I notice the girl still standing there.
Shes sneering, uninterested in gender play.
She cant understand why a drag king would be into another king,
and not some femme bimbo. She has no idea.

Ive got that feeling back.
Im part of that smile of recognition I get from the store clerk
when he realises what we have in common. Im part of that smile on his face
as he looks the other way and I slide a book into my jacket.
Richard and Michelle are part of that too.

I feel so close to them right now,
I want to fuck the air.